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August 10-14 2020

Each year, we host a one week JaM Camp with professional faculty and a variety of classes to serve your tap dancer holistically. Schedule includes tap technique and specialty classes which have included but are not limited to: bucket percussion, Broadway tap, Dancinema, Lindy hop, acting, and more.

See sample information from our 2019 camp below and mark your calendars for August 10 - 14 2020.

Due to restrictions and precautions around COVID-19, JaM Camp 2020 will be hosted online.





Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, JaM Camp 2020 will be an online experience this year.

Features will include a combination of pre-recorded and live classes, plus others events and engagements that embrace the distance education format. We look forward to this new kind of JaM Camp and being able to connect with even more JaMily across the globe this summer. 

Browse our faculty and class offerings from 2019 to get a sense of what we offer,
and stay tuned for further details on our new format for 2020.

Unfortunately, our signature photo sessions with Stark Photo Productions will not be happening this summer but we look forward to offering this great component in the future.

Online Format
The Details


Register for the Full Week of Classes or Individual Days

Individual Day Rate:


Registration Fee

Full Day of Classes for the Day(s) you select

Fall 2019 Audition Fee (if applicable)

Not included, but available:
2019 Camp Edition T-Shirt, Friday Photography session.


Full Week Classes Only:

Registration Fee
Full Week of Classes

Fall 2019 Audition Fee (if applicable)

2019 Camp Edition T-Shirt

Not included, but available: Friday Photography session.


Full Week Plus Package:

Registration Fee
Full Week of Classes

Fall 2019 Audition Fee (if applicable)

2019 Camp Edition T-Shirt

Professional Photography Session


Full Week Registration Includes 2019 Camp Edition Shirt in color of your choice.
You can also add a shirt to your Day Rate in the online store.



  • JYP on Facebook
  • JYP Tap Instagram Account
  • JYP Tap Dancefilms Video Channel
  • JYP Tap Dancefilms Video Channel

© 2024 The JaM Youth Project

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